Daily Journal Blogger Template

03:13 |
Download Daily Journal Blogger Template
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Template Name
Daily Journal Blogger Template
Platform Type
Descriptions 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, Personal, Elegant, Fixed Width, Left Vertical Menu, Page Navigation.
Guide Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
<ul class='nav' id='menu-pages'><li><a href='#'>Home</a></li><li><a href='#'>About</a></li><li><a href='#'>Page Templates</a><ul class='sub-menu'><li><a href='#'>Sitemap</a></li><li><a href='#'>Full Width</a></li> ..........
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.
Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
var posts=4, // Number of posts in each pagenum=2, // Number of buttons will display
Template Author
Sora Templates
An Thành Nguyễn
Add To Blogger Add To Wordpress Add To Joomla
Columns 3 Sidebars 2
Colors Brown Styles Simple
Topics Blog Features None
Width Fixed Other None
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Magnificent Blogger Template

00:09 |
Download Magnificent Blogger Template
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Template Name
Magnificent Blogger Template
Platform Type
Descriptions  Wordpress Look, 4 Columns, 4 Columns Footer, Left+Right Sidebar, Magazine, Elegant, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Top Navigation Menu, Page Navigation.
Guide Configure Post Date:
Log in to Blogger Dashboard --> Settings --> Format and change this:
If you don't do this, it will display "UNDEFINED".
Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
<div class='slide'><a href='#'><img class='thumb' height='271px' src='/image.jpg' width='461px'/></a><div class='description'><h2 class='title'><a href='#'>Nulla aliquam quam non commodo</a></h2></div>  ..........
Now replace:
"#" with your featured post URL."image.jpg" with your slider image.
Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
<ul class='nav' id='primary'><li class='current_page_item'><a href='#'>Home</a></li><li><a href='#'>About</a><ul class='children'><li><a href='#'>Meet The Team</a></li><li><a href='#'>Where to Find Us</a></li> ..........
Just replace "#" with your menu item URL.
Configure Page Navigation Widget:
search for:
var posts=4, // Number of posts in each pagenum=2, // Number of buttons will display
Template Author
Sora Templates
An Thành Nguyễn
Add To Blogger Add To Wordpress Add To Joomla
Columns 4 Sidebars 2
Colors White, Gray Styles Magazine
Topics Fashion Features Slide
Width Fixed Footer 4
Xem thêm…

Unite Dark Blogger Template

01:10 |
Download Unite Dark Blogger Template
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Template Name
Unite Dark Blogger Template
Platform Type
Descriptions 2 Columns, 1 sidebars left, Magazine, Wordpress Look, 4 Footers...
Template Author
Sora Templates
An Thành Nguyễn
Add To Blogger Add To Wordpress Add To Joomla
Columns 2 Sidebars 1
Colors Black,Violet Styles Unique
Topics Sport Features Slide
Width Fixed Footer 4
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Collective Blogger Template

22:13 |
download Collective Blogger Template
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Template Name
Collective Blogger Template
Platform Type
Descriptions Wordpress Look, 3 Columns, Right Sidebar, 3 Columns Footer, Magazine, Clean Design, Featured Content Slider, Fixed Width, Gray Background, Top Navigation Menu, Email Subscription Form.
Guide Configure Featured Content Slider:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
<div id='slideshow'><div class='slide'><div class='post-img-large fl'><a href='#'><img class='attachment-large' height='200' src='/image.jpg' width='570'/></a></div><h2 class='post-title fl'><a href='#'>Creative Digital Illustration</a></h2><div class='clear'/></div>  .......... <div class='tabs'> <a><img class='attachment-tiny' height='32' src='/thumb.jpg' width='82'/><span>Creative Digital Illustration</span></a> ..........
Now replace:
"#"with your featured post URL."image.jpg" with your slider image."thumbnail.jpg" with your thumbnail image.
Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
<ul class='menu' id='menu-main-menu'><li><a href='#'>Category One<span>Category Description</span></a></li><li><a href='#'>Category Two<span>Category Description</span></a><ul class='sub-menu'><li><a href='#'>Sub Category One</a></li> ..........
Just replace "#" with your menu item URL.
How to change Recent Posts and Recent Comments Widget:
Look for:
var rcp_numposts = 3; // Number of Posts will display ..........nc=3; // Number of comments will display
Template Author
Sora Templates
An Thành Nguyễn
Add To Blogger Add To Wordpress Add To Joomla
Columns 2 Sidebars 1
Colors White, Gray Styles Magazine
Topics Fashion Features Slide
Width Fixed Footer 3
Xem thêm…

Float Blogger Template

22:06 |
download Float Blogger Template
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Template Name
Float Blogger Template
Platform Type
Descriptions 2 Columns, Right Sidebar, Personal, Fixed Width, Black Background, Top Navigation Menu, Social Widget.
Guide Configure Dropdown Menu:
Login to blogger dashboard --> layout --> Edit HTML. Now scroll down to where you see the codes below:
<nav class='menu-menu-container'><ul class='menu' id='menu-menu'><li><a href='#'>Home</a></li><li><a href='#'>Styling</a></li><li><a href='#'>Drop-down</a><ul class='sub-menu'><li><a href='#'>News</a></li><li><a href='#'>Video</a></li> ..........
Replace "#" with your menu item URL.
Configure Social Widget:
Look for:
<h2 class='widget-title'>Social Widget</h2><ul><li><a href='#' id='dribbble'>Dribbble</a></li><li><a href='#' id='facebook'>Facebook</a></li><li><a href='#' id='flickr'>Flickr</a></li><li><a href='#' id='twitter'>Twitter</a></li> ..........
Replace "#" with your Social Account URL.
How to change Author Information:
Find this:
<img class='avatar avatar-56 photo' height='56' src='/author.png' width='56'/><h3>About the author</h3><p>Donec non enim in turpis...</p></div>
Template Author
Sora Templates
An Thành Nguyễn
Add To Blogger Add To Wordpress Add To Joomla
Columns 2 Sidebars 1
Colors Black,Gray Styles Simple
Topics Personal Features None
Width Fixed Other None
Xem thêm…

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